Product CatalogueWine and LiquorLiquersLiquersSheep Dog Peanut Butter Whisky 200ml Back Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whisky 200ml Product ID: 73525 Brand: 2025-04-13 View or buy the Liquers Liquers - Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whisky 200ml from to discover other options and shipping details. Description Back to Liquers - Liquers More Liquers and others in our range Cointreau Liq 700ml Steinbok Mango Liqueur 700ml St Germain Elderflower Liq 750ml New Norfolk Mos Australis Lamington Liqueur 700ml Green Fairy Absinth 60% 500ml Beenleigh Double Barrel Rum 700ml New Norfolk Martian Sky Coffee Liqueur 700ml Malibu 700ml Baileys Chocolate Liqueur 700ml Charm Malgeun Vivid Lychee Soju 360ml